MAPP Export Starter

MAPP Export Starter has been created in association with the UK Government’s Trade and Investment organisation called UKTI.

Using their experience and avoiding their mistakes you will be able to quickly generate a simple quick export preparation plan for and your team.

MAPP Export Starter has 15 basic steps that all exporters may need to take to get started. Once complete this set then leads on to the more advanced Export set which you can see here.

Who is it Aimed at?

MAPP Export Starter is aimed primarily at those organisations:

  • That are embarking on an export strategy to a new foreign market
  • Who generally have not gone through the process ever before or even recently

MAPP Export Starter:

  • Enables an organisation to ask questions it does not know to ask
  • Is generic
  • Useful to all businesses with a product or service to export
  • Can be used by an individual but it is recommended that at least one other person is involved – mentor or fellow traveler – to ensure a balanced approach to the planning
  • Can be accessed on-line allowing all team members or mentors to be part of the planning process
  • Is Free!

To sign up for your copy of the MAPP Export Starter decision tool click on the link.


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