The key to effective people development is to ensure that any development is focused upon the business need.

As an HR professional or project manager you need to be able to identify knowledge, understanding, skills, attitude and behaviour (KUSAB) gaps within the organisation or individual; then fill that gap and in the process achieve the best Return on Investment (ROI) possible.

This MAPP contains  a set decision cards that will ensure that you will be consistent and effective not only when you conduct a  Development Needs Analysis (DNA) but right through to calculating return on investment. The cards are based upon the analysis process laid out in Successful Training in a Week (Hodder and Stoughton, 2002).

A DNA should:

  • Be based firmly in business strategy.
  • Reflect and support the business need.

This MAPP refers to the process as a DNA because it analyses the very threads that make up the development processes that support the performance of your organisation.

If you are a manager, HR trainer or are project managing a staff development programme you need to be aware of the processes involved with an analysis.

  • Can you calculate the Return on Investment (ROI)?
  • Do you understand the terms relating to an individual’s knowledge, understanding, skills, attitude and behaviour?
  • Do you understand the purpose of the development or its relevance to the organisation, department or individual?
  • Have you got a process for evaluating the development process and its success?

If the answer is ‘no’ to any of the above then this MAPP is for you.

This MAPP will provide you with:

  • A structure.
  • Prompted decisions.
  • The ability to recognise, delegate and programme manage tasks.
  • A critical path leading you through analysis, development, delivery, evaluation and ROI.

Ultimately this DNA MAPP will ensure that you achieve a high level of organisationally-focussed success throughout the entire project.

To sign-up and use the DNA MAPP click on the link:


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