From Uniform to Civvies With Harry - According to the Ministry of Defence Armed Forces Annual Personnel Report (1st April 2014) in the year 2013/14 some 640 officers and 20,350 other ranks left the British Armed Forces. Sixty-five percent of those leaving (known as SLs or Service Leavers) were aged between 20 and 34. That comes in at 13,040 officers and other […]
When in Rome! - It’s often said that when in Rome we should do as the Romans do. This translates to – if you want to fit in then change your behaviour to match that of the inhabitants of the country you are living in. This definitely applies should you wish to open an office in a new country.! […]
Want to Export? Don’t just Survive When You Can Grow - UK Trade and Industry, in their excellent publication, ‘Bringing home the benefits: How to grow through exporting,’ explain how exporting can lead to growth, further exports and consequently greater growth. Exporting can also lead to improvements in efficiency, new products and services. Top that off with an increase in confidence, ambition and momentum for greater […]
Use the Grid To Plan Organisational Training Needs - It was key to Labour’s successful handling of public relations and the press and it infuriated many newspapers by appearing to pre-empt many stories that would have called for a swift reactive response from No10. And, coincidentally, it was the departure of a second Mr Brown from No. 10 Downing Street in 2011 that saw […]
Negotiation – Get What You Want By Giving the Client What They Want! - The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ‘negotiation’ as: noun: a formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement : an act of negotiating. If negotiation is a give and take process between two or more parties then you need to be aware of your ideal outcome, what you will accept as a minimum and […]